Matthew 6:34

“Don’t worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.”‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:34‬ ‭CEVUS06‬‬
Don’t worry about tomorrow. That’s hard to do isn’t? But why? – Because society has lead us to that conclusion. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Tomorrow the power bill will be due. Tomorrow the kids have to be in school early. Tomorrow I have that meeting. We live our lives worrying about what is next. God wants us to worry about what’s right now. Right now, your son wants someone to play with. Right now, God wants your attention. Right now, your family needs you. God wants you to live for right now because he knows there may not even be a tomorrow for you or us. We are not promised tomorrow. We are given one day at a time. So yes, be responsible, pay your bills, make sure the kids are at school on time, but most importantly- Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow has enough problems of its own. Live for today. Enjoy today. Today is what you have. Tomorrow is not promised. 
Have a blessed day, guys.