Colossians 1:17-18

“God’s Son was before all else, and by him everything is held together. He is the head of his body, which is the church. He is the very beginning, the first to be raised from death, so that he would be above all others.”


Let’s break this verse down.. God’s son was before all else. He was before your sins, my sins, the sins of our world. And by him everything is held together. You know how when you turn on the tv and see the news about another shooting, another riot, or the latest political shenanigans and you think, “By the grace of God, we are all still here.” That is how I interpret this part. I feel like with all the evil running rampant in our world today, God would look down and just throw his hands in the air, giving up on his hateful children. But by the grace of God and Jesus himself, everything is held together. This verse says that everything is held together by Jesus, which means everything you hold dear that you want to stay intact, the center needs to be Jesus. Your marriage. Your job. You talents. Your relationship with your children. Your relationship with yourself. Everything is held together by God’s son, so if He is not the center, it ain’t staying intact! Next, Jesus is the head and the church is the body. That again to me means, Jesus is to steer us (the church) in the right direction. He is the very beginning, the first to be raised from death, so that he would be above all others. God himself orchestrated the miracle of the death and resurrectional of Jesus to demonstrate the strength of his hands. He needed his children millions of years from then, to look back in awe and see Jesus as the one and only savior.


I hope this helps you find your inner peace today and understand this verse a little better! Feel free to leave your opinion in the comments.

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